Music Releases



SORCHA successfully released her second EP 'Closure' on September 22nd, 2023.

Working alongside Ben Rohy for the production and recording, this 5 track EP is sure to take you on a journey of emotions surrounding closure.

"I had always craved closure surrounding my first break up as I was left feeling unresolved and in despair. After many years and other relationships, I still suffered questioning why things happened and if I ever crossed his mind all these years later. I then went through a breakup in the last year which altered the way I would view romantic relationships. I definitely learnt a lot about myself and what I really desired from a partner. I came to find my own closure once leaving that relationship and building a positive mindset for not always being able to get what I want and coming to terms with things happening for a reason."

"This EP is really special to me and shares quite vulnerable and personal experiences. I try to be as raw and authentic with my writing as possible. My lyrics are usually forward and direct which I guess reflects part of my personality."

'Closure' is available NOW on all music streaming platforms.


'Hindsight' - coming soon

Stay tuned on SORCHA's socials (@sorchajmusic) to hear about the release of her upcoming single...HINDSIGHT!! 

You won't want to miss this!